I'm so thankful for the many food items in my life. While I sometimes now go grocery shopping and do not find everything on my shopping list, I still can buy lots of food to eat. I also have begun to better notice and be thankful for the smell and taste of each food item. Not finding something that I want while shopping sometimes means that a future shopping trip will be a lot happier.
I remind myself of the problems the Pilgrims had centuries ago. I also remind myself of the problems I had when I was newly divorced with two children and using food stamps. Yes, even with the problems of not always having enough food, I was even then thankful for food stamps, the WIC Program, and other programs for low-income families.
I remind myself of the problems the Pilgrims had centuries ago. I also remind myself of the problems I had when I was newly divorced with two children and using food stamps. Yes, even with the problems of not always having enough food, I was even then thankful for food stamps, the WIC Program, and other programs for low-income families.